Kender I...?

Playlisten til min vodkajuice

I dag vil jeg lige give jer lidt fif til playlisten derhjemme. Ovenstående sange er alle nogle, som bliver hørt pænt meget herhjemme – med og uden vodka i juicen. I sær må jeg indrømme at have et ret stort crush på Selena Gomez for tiden. Hun er fandme lækker. Og desuden også kommet ret godt ud af sin Disney baggrund.

Hvis I har nogle fif til lidt lækkert musik, så smid dem endelig i kommentarfeltet! Så bliver jeg glad



2 kommentarer

  • I’m not sorry it was posted. Westerner brought up some good points. There will come a time, soon, when the U.S. and other countries based on the natural rights of men will have to decide if they want to win against the repulsive cult of islam. To do so they will have to do everything necessary, some of which may be hoifnryrig. If you don’t want to win, don’t start the fight. Of course, islam doesn’t have that confusion. They know what they want. This IS a fight for our existence.

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  • Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!

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